Heather Hollingdale

Yoga - Photography - Social Media

Things to know about me:

I am a professional photographer and yoga teacher based in Kelowna, BC. As a photographer, I specialize in create image collections that tell a story. I often work with small businesses and artists to create vibrant, versatile content for social media and branding. As a yoga teacher, my current focus is on restorative practices, with a keen interest in interoception and biotensetrity. I am also fond of wild green things, ambient music, board games, dark chocolate, and really good black teas.

This website is temporary. I am in the process of creating a new site with more information about my work. Thank-you for your interest.


I took my 1st yoga class in 2002. Slowly, quietly, yoga became a big part of my life. I have been teaching since 2014, as an extension of my personal practice. There are few things I find more inspiring and reassuring than my practice. I am fascintated by breathwork, interroception, and the felt experience of being present in the body. Yoga is my system of exploring this. Aside from the geeky neuroscience stuff, it's calming, grounding, and has taught me to trust my own resilience. I continue to learn, in my own practice, and as a student in ongoing training. You'll find more information about this on my Yoga Website or my Facebook page.


I've been a taking pictures ever since I was a kid. I've worked as a professional photographer for 17 years. I've done portraiture, commercial product photography, concerts&events, and fine art prints. That covers a lot of ground, but essentially, I'm very good at capturing the authentic heart of my subject matter. These days, my work is mainly focused on developing highly customized images and visual branding content for businesses, creatives, and community groups. I create photographs that tell stories, and make an impression on all the platforms my clients use to share their stories. I love my work, and I love discovering new and amazing ways that photography changes conversations.
My personal work also includes black&white film, Polaroid, alt-processes, mixed media, and a lot of experiments in between.